Sunday 22 May 2016

Probiotics and Gut Care

Talk: Probiotics and Gut Care
Date: 18 June 2016 (Saturday)
Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm
Venue: UTAR, Sungai Long Campus
Register online:
Admission: FREE

For enquiries, please contact Ms Hema at Tel: 03-9019 8088 or

Creativity: Transforming Lives for the Future

Talk: Creativity: Transforming Lives for the Future
Date: 10 June 2016 (Friday)
Time: 2.00pm - 4.00pm
Venue: UTAR, Sungai Long Campus
Register online:
Admission: FREE

For enquiries, please contact Ms Hema at Tel: 03-9019 8088 or

The Revival of Bicycle as a Green and Sustainable Means of Transport for Neighbourhood Travel

Talk: The Revival of Bicycle as a Green and Sustainable Means of
Transport for Neighbourhood Travel
Date: 14 June 2016 (Tuesday)
Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm
Venue: UTAR, Sungai Long Campus
Register online:
Admission: FREE

For enquiries, please contact Ms Hema at Tel: 03-9019 8088 or

Certified Financial Planner Certification Programme (Module 1)

Programme: Certified Financial Planner Certification Programme (Module 1)
Date: 11 June 2016 (Saturday)
Time: 2.00pm - 6.00pm (4 hours)
Duration: 60 hours
Fee (student/alumni): RM650 
Fee (staff): RM900 (25% discount for confirmed staff)
Venue: UTAR, Sungai Long Campus
Register online:

For enquiries, please contact Ms Hema at Tel: 03-9019 8088 or

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Inclusive Growth & Responsible Leadership

Greetings from Institute of Management and Leadership Development, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman!

IMLD is pleased to invite you to attend the following forum: 

Title       : Inclusive Growth & Responsible Leadership
Date      :  June 3, 2016 (Friday
Time      : 9.30 am - 12.00 pm (Registration starts at 9.30 am)
Venue    : Multipurpose Hall, KB Block Ground Floor 
               Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman 
               Sungai Long Campus 

Forum Panelists:
Prof Jem Bendell (Young Global Leader 2012)
Professor of Sustainability Leadership and Founder of the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability, University of Cumbria, UK

Ms Penny Low (Young Global Leader 2005 & Global Shapers Singapore Hub)
Founder and President, Social Innovation Park (SIP) Singapore, Member of Parliament Singapore

Mr Jeffrey Lim Tau Hoong (Young Global Leader 2015)
Malaysian investor, Entrepreneur, Lecturer, Councillor, Philanthropist, CEO and Founder of The Now Group

Forum Moderator:
Prof Cheng Ming Yu (Young Global Leader 2011 & Founding Curator, Global Shapers KL Hub)
Professor of Economics, Director of IMLD and Director of DCInterNet, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Admission is FREE. Please click to register:

Please see attached poster for further details. 

Map to campus: 
​​ map.pdf

Best regards, 
Institute of Management and Leadership Development (IMLD)

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Join ACCA Preparatory Course now to prepare for the December 2016 ACCA examination.
UTAR Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) students in 3rd & 4th year are welcome to join!
Date : 16 July 2016
Duration : 18 weekends (70 hours)
Venue : Sungai Long Campus
Fees : RM 930 per subject for UTAR alumni/students
RM 1,230 per subject for public
(Fees are inclusive of GST, Study Text & Revision Kit)
Click here to register online:
For further information, please contact Ms Mohana at Tel: 03-9086 0288 Ext: 808 or Email:

传统中华文化与佛教教育对现代青年的启发 - 2 July 2016 (UTAR Sungai Long Campus)




日期: 201672日(星期六)
            Multi Purpose Hall
            UTAR Sungai Long Campus
            Bandar Sungai Long, Cheras
            43000 Kajang
            Selangor Darul Ehsan
场免费! *开放予公众(请预先报名







欲了解详情,请联络 Ms Mohana: 603-9086 0288 ext 808 / 016-223 3563  电邮至

您的隐私对我们很重要,我们将依照2010年个人资料保护法保管您的个人资料请浏览  查看我们的隐私申明。)


拉曼大学延续教育中心  谨上

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Create the Opportunity. Excel in Education. Enrich your Life.

Thursday 5 May 2016

A survey for SWOT analysis of UTAR's MBA program

Dear MBA and MBA (Corporate Governance) Alumni,

Consistent with UTAR’s vision, we aim to provide quality MBA programmes to our current and prospective students. Your opinion is important to us. Understanding our MBA programmes’ perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Treats will help us to devise a strategic plan to make our programme more competitive.

Please response to our survey:

Faculty of Accountancy and Management offers 3 MBA programmes:
MBA (Corporate Governance)
MBA (Building Management)…